Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Our New Home

We have established a new home for our blog at www.door51.com/blog. See you there!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Once upon a time, before I was born...

I was standing there, washing dishes (yes, I do that sometimes!) when I was suddenly struck with a feeling of nastalgia. I remembered my late grandparents and truly missed them for the first time in many months.

My father's parents died less than two months apart, neither knowing of each other's death. There is something tragic, yet beautiful about that. Grandma, who was at a nursing home because of sudden decline in her health, went first. Grandpa, 90 years old, in the hospital fighting for his life after abdominal surgery, died less than two months later. We never told him, but he must have known. The last time I saw him, only weeks before he died, he seemed to be feeling better, he could see more clear, and he recognized me. He even asked me questions. And that is how I will remember him: strong, caring, and brave 'till the last minute of his life. I miss him.

Decorated WWII Hero. He lost his eye in battle.

My other grandfather died when I was 7, but I remember his love and kindness. My grandmother, who now lives in NY with my parents, mourns him daily. Their love for each other was inspirational to say the least. Here they are with their three children. My mom is at the bottom left. She was a cute kid.

This isn't about wedding photography, but it's about love. Love until Death and Love after Death. I admire their strength and commitment to each other, and I hope to die, at an old age, loving Nicole more than ever.

Portraits for the Holidays!

For the next three weeks I am running a promotion on my Portrait Services. For as little as $150 (includes a sitting fee and two 8x10 prints) you'll be on your way to owning beautiful photographs to share with your family this holiday season!

Pricing Details
For $150.00, I will come to wherever you are (in Bay Area, CA) and take “lifestyle” photographs of you and your loved ones. The price includes two carefully edited 8x10 prints of your choice. You may choose to buy other prints at additional cost.

Print 4x6 - $ 6.00
Print 5x7 - $ 8.00
Print 8x10 - $ 15.00
Print 11x14 - $ 25.00
Print 16x20 - $ 60.00
Print 20x25 - $ 80.00

Larger and non-standard sizes are available.If you really love the image, speak to me about getting it printed on a canvas.

If you’re not satisfied with your pictures, I will refund your sitting fee in full and without questions.

Call us at 650.440.1281 or send us an email if you'd like to set up a time.

Happy Holidays!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Charm of Charming Sam

Amy, a family friend, asked us to shoot some promotional photos for her Charming Sam jewelry line. We took advantage of the golden hour to add charm to this already charming line.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Two Day Bridal Session in San Luis Obispo, CA

Two and a half weekends ago, Nicole and I took a trip to San Luis Obispo to get away from the mundane and to add some beautiful bridal images to our portfolio. The shoot took place over the period of two days at an extraordinary Bed & Breakfast we're sure to visit again! We were very fortunate to be the only guests there, and with the permission of the inn keeper we had the whole place to ourselves.

Day 1: It's a Good Day for a White Wedding!

Day 2: The Color of Love and Culture

... and my favorite in the bunch:

A successful and memorable weekend indeed!

Giving Thanks on Thanksgiving and the Origins of Door51 Photography

Today is Thanksgiving and I have a lot to be thankful for. From things we all take for granted, like hands to hold the camera and sight to see through the viewfinder, to the beautiful wife and a charming place we live in. I'm thankful for my job - it let's me pay the bills and fuels my motorized passions. Above all, I'm thankful for my parents who, 16 years ago brough me to America and gave me the love and support to make this wonderful life for myself.

Which brings me to the name of our business: Door 51 - a black leather door on the first floor of just another 5 floor, block-long building in what is now an independent republic of Belarus. I have never been back, but I will never forget my roots. This business name is a constant reminder of where I came from and what my family went through to get where we are today.

And finally, I'm thankful for anyone who actually took the time to read through all this!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!